NVDA 1W earnings volatility down 4% from open
Consider early exercising XOM $100 calls to save $5,000 by capturing the dividend
Huge demand for options similar to your upside MSFT calls, do you want to sell?
$200M gamma squeeze pushing IWM away from $220
Your NVDA and TSM calls are 90% correlated, creating significant risk.
Without a strong vol bias, consider using BTC to bet your directional opinion
Deskhead shares surge post-IPO because this trading platform is f*cking awesome.
Vol crush is the simple result of less future volatility being priced in once events pass. Do you have more questions?
NVDA 1W earnings volatility down 4% from open
Consider early exercising XOM $100 calls to capture 99c dividend
Huge repeating buyer of options similar to your upside MSFT calls, do you want to sell to the buyer?
$200M gamma squeeze pushing IWM away from $220
Your NVDA and TSM calls are 90% correlated, creating significant risk.
Without a strong vol bias, consider using BTC to bet your directional election opinion
Deskhead shares surge post-IPO because this trading platform is f*cking awesome.
Vol crush is the simple result of less future volatility being priced in once events pass. Do you have more questions?

Trade with Intelligence

Disclaimer: Deskhead Inc. does not provide trade recommendations or investment advice. All information and AI-powered insights offered are for informational purposes only. Trading involves significant risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before making any trading decisions, please consult with a qualified financial advisor. Deskhead Inc. is not responsible for any losses incurred from the use of this information.

@2024 Deskhead Inc. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: Deskhead Inc. does not provide trade recommendations or investment advice. All information and AI-powered insights offered are for informational purposes only. Trading involves significant risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before making any trading decisions, please consult with a qualified financial advisor. Deskhead Inc. is not responsible for any losses incurred from the use of this information.